In 2022, NAMI Hudson County had the privilege of engaging 8 new, phenomenal volunteers, increasing our team to 13 individuals. As you know, we are exclusively operated by volunteers who each bring their personal stories, perspective, and unique expertise to help us grow.
As we celebrate International Volunteer Day today, December 5, 2022, we would like to highlight some of their work. This year our volunteers have
Participated as part of the Board of Directors
Facilitated support group meetings
Attended community events to provide resources and guidance
Researched presenters for our Speaker Series, scheduled and facilitated the presentations
Trained to become Family to Family teachers, and Ending the Silence presenters in middle schools/high schools
Managed our website namihudsoncounty.org
Applied for grants and fundraised for NAMI Hudson County
Managed our social media accounts
Responded to phone calls and emails
Two of our volunteers were highlighted earlier this year on our social media. You can read about them at the links provided. We hope to feature some more of our volunteers on social media in the coming weeks.
Thank you to each and every one of our volunteers for all their hard work and dedication. We look forward to continuing to work with them in 2023!


Did you attend one of our events this year? Please complete the survey at the link to provide your feedback about the event and your suggestions for future events.
Our 2023 events are currently being scheduled. We would love to hear your ideas for new events.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness of New Jersey (NAMI NJ) is proud to celebrate the 20th anniversary of its first presentation of the NAMI Signature Program, NAMI In Our Own Voice (IOOV).
On December 6, 2022, NAMI Hudson County will partcipate in the celebration by hosting an In Our Own Voice presentation on zoom.
IOOV is a powerful NAMI Signature Presentation that aims to change attitudes, assumptions, and stereotypes about people living with mental health conditions. Two trained presenters with lived experience of a mental health condition, talk openly about their experiences and how they have found pathways to hope and healing. They talk about “What Happened,” “What Helps” and “What is Next.” Audience members have the opportunity to ask questions, learn more about mental health, and challenge misconceptions.
To attend this presentation, please register at the link below:

NAMI Family Support Groups are free, peer-led support groups for family members, caregivers and loved ones of individuals living with mental illness. Attendees gain insight from the challenges and successes of others facing similar circumstances.
NAMI Consumer Connections Support Group are free, peer-led support groups for adults living with mental illness. You will gain insight from hearing the challenges and successes of others.
Both groups are led by NAMI-trained facilitators who have had similar experiences.
Groups meet on Zoom on the 3rd Tuesday of each month
For the December 20th meeting, you can register at the link below:
